Thursday, November 20, 2014

Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.

1. Racial Discrimination is a topic that ticks me off a lot because there are many people in this world being treated unequally and unfairly because of their race. People cannot have certain jobs or do certain tasks because of their skin color or ethnicity/nationality. This is something that needs to end sooner or later because it is driving the world to go worse than it already is with social issues and discrimination.
2. Alcoholism is another issue that interests me because I know so many people who have had alcoholic problems and did whatever they could to solve it. Alcohol is a major crisis because it causes people to become very violent and can make them commit many crimes, assault being #1. It is important for people to take care of themselves and be responsible for their actions and to know their limits.
3. Another major concern of mine is identity theft. I am mostly concerned about this one because when someone has your identity, they have all of your records and personal information. It can cause major problems for you and make you want to jump off the empire state building.
4. Another major concern of mine is child labor because many young kids are being forced to go to work and not getting the proper education they need and deserve. This is especially in china where child labor is very high. They make a few of our clothes that we have here and it is the adults that should be responsible. 
5. One more thing that concerns me is medical marijuana. This concerns me because it will help save a lot of lives of people suffering many diseases. This includes glaucoma, cancer, epilepsy, anxiety disorders, etc. It could also boost the economy because it will affect certain debts and imported/exported goods. 

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