Tuesday, December 23, 2014

4a) Make a final decision about your logical argument research topic. What is it? Questions to ask yourself:

What have we been studying in class this year? We have been studying about global/international issues that affect our economy and our government. 
Which subjects appeal to me? Crime and discrimination are problems that appeal to me the most because I feel it is so widely spread around the world.
What are people writing about?Discrimination of certain people because of their race or gender.
What's most interesting to me?Social problems among many people
Can I find information about that?Yes, using online newspaper and other sources.

4b) Why are you most interested in the topic of argument selected? I feel that it is everywhere around the
world, not just here in the United States. There are a whole lot of worldly problems that many people tend to ignore.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

  1. How many states have some form of legalized medical marijuana? Around 5-10 states have some form of legalized marijuana but mostly for medical reasons, recreational use is still banned in most states.
  2. Describe the statutory conditions of medical marijuana use in one of those states. They are used to treat people in the hospital for certain medical conditions involving severe pain or for cancer treatment.
  3. What is the best reason to legalize/not legalize medical marijuana in all states? Explain. It is best to legalize it because it has plenty of health benefits in treating very sick people and it could actually help the growth of the economy if the government taxes it.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

  1. Should there be international child labor laws that can be enforced in all countries? I feel that child labor should only be for countries that are in desperate need of workers. It is unfair to automatically send children to work when they have other occupations and the country isn't in need of it.
  2. Is child labor justifiable when the income gained is used to sustain the family? It could be because it would be beneficial in not only the family but for personal benefits as well. As long as the children are in good position and are sustaining in the family, it is definitely justifiable.
  3. Are current U.S. labor laws too strict in regards to child labor?Yes, because many children are starving and working in harsh conditions that aren't necessary to sustain families. Theres other ways to work out money problems.
  4. Why is child labor regarded as a social evil? Many kids are suffering while working in harsh conditions and they are suffering and not being treated the same as other children meanwhile it isn't exactly their fault for their families poor conditions.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

  1. What is a data aggregation company? These companies store data for government and federal protection because they feel they aren't being protected enough. So they take their protection to another level. 
  2. How would federal regulation affect the way data aggregation companies store and sell information?Federal regulation will keep it with tighter security and more proof of your identity and other storage that you use with your social security number and a lot of other things. 
  3. Give an example of a data aggregation company that has experienced a security breach.Microsoft because many people attempt to hack many parts of it with different tools and they need data aggression to help keep  it secure not only for the company but for the people as well. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

  1. Should alcoholism be viewed as a disease or an addiction? Explain. Alcoholism should be viewed as an addiction because a disease is something you are born with or is caused accidentally from physical or mental damage. Nobody is born addicted to alcohol, they just get hooked on it from abusing it way too much.
  2. Should alcoholics be held solely responsible for their drinking habits? Why or why not?Not necessarily because many people drink for different reasons whether its problems in their life or just because they have the money to abuse it. But considering alcohol is legal, many people tend to abuse it thinking there is no potential risk.
  3. Should moderation treatment options be offered to alcoholics? Yes, it is always a good idea to stop people from drinking too much and causing great physical and mental harm to their body. It will also prevent them from taking their life away. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Racial Discrimination

    1. Why is racism so rife in the world?Individual development is a major concern for many people and leaders throughout the world. They have gone with many beliefs from the past that influence the way many parts of the world are today. It is all about cultural diffusion and the spread of different ideas. 
    2. How should Racial Discrimination be addressed? People should make propaganda signs and put the topic about with posters and fliers going around major cities and city councils that have major control over situations like this.
    3. Has the United States done enough to address the historical injustices to African Americans, Native Americans and other groups? If not, what needs to be done? They do what they have to do and play the role that they are supposed to in helping with certain problems and conflicts many areas of the world are facing. But it is also up to us to get the word out and use our own methods to solve or at least improve social conditions.