Monday, September 15, 2014

The subject I enjoy most reading about is American History because I find it interesting how our country became the way it is through many struggles and hardships.

My favorite hobby is listening to music because it brightens up my mood and makes my mind "wander" and I also feel it could expand my imagination.

If I win the lottery, I would put half the money aside and spend the other half on things that I would want to buy. This includes clothes, accessories, video games, etc.

The type of volunteering activity I prefer is cleaning up things because I feel its simple and will keep me out of trouble.

My favorite school subject has always been math because I am very good at problem solving with numbers and I could do exceptional math problems and equations in my head that a normal person couldn't do.

If  I ran the world, the first thing I would change would be the economy because it is very bad and it is hard to find a job nowadays due to the stock market crash and other economic problems.